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    "query": {
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            "name": "Ancientpages",
            "results": [
                    "value": "20081109170522",
                    "timestamp": "2008-11-09T17:05:22Z",
                    "ns": 0,
                    "title": "Hauptseite"
                    "value": "20081113113147",
                    "timestamp": "2008-11-13T11:31:47Z",
                    "ns": 0,
                    "title": "2.1 Einf\u00fchrung"
                    "value": "20081113114750",
                    "timestamp": "2008-11-13T11:47:50Z",
                    "ns": 0,
                    "title": "2.2 Zellaufbau"
                    "value": "20081113114952",
                    "timestamp": "2008-11-13T11:49:52Z",
                    "ns": 0,
                    "title": "2.2.1 Zellh\u00fclle (cell envelope)"
                    "value": "20081113115622",
                    "timestamp": "2008-11-13T11:56:22Z",
                    "ns": 0,
                    "title": "2.2.2 Die bakterielle Zellwand"
                    "value": "20081113120208",
                    "timestamp": "2008-11-13T12:02:08Z",
                    "ns": 0,
                    "title": " Aufbau des Mureins"
                    "value": "20081113120953",
                    "timestamp": "2008-11-13T12:09:53Z",
                    "ns": 0,
                    "title": " GRAM-F\u00e4rbung"
                    "value": "20081113122227",
                    "timestamp": "2008-11-13T12:22:27Z",
                    "ns": 0,
                    "title": " \u00dcbersicht wichtiger grampositiver und gramnegativer Prokaryonten"
                    "value": "20081113122757",
                    "timestamp": "2008-11-13T12:27:57Z",
                    "ns": 0,
                    "title": " Zellwandaufbau gramnegativer Bakterien"
                    "value": "20081113123422",
                    "timestamp": "2008-11-13T12:34:22Z",
                    "ns": 0,
                    "title": " Antigene gramnegativer Bakterien"